Decorative epoxy flooring changes the garage from a dull, awful space into a unique area. It adds character, style, value, and, some particular individuals take advantage of this:

1) The Parent
2) The Car Enthusiast
3) The Home Handyman
4) The Hobbyist
5) The Real Estate Agent
6) The Retiree
7) The Super Organized

Is this you? Continue reading to see which group or groups you come from.

# 1– The Parent: Tell them to “Go Play in the Garage!”
The kids are getting edgy, and the novelty of that computer game has wore off.

Don’t worry. With the clean surface of your decorative epoxy flooring, you send the kids out to the garage to play ping pong or setup the supreme Lego city. You keep your house, and they get to have some fun.

Even if they do get a little crazy and spill their juice in there, it’s no big deal. Your sealed flooring and a couple of paper towels will take care of the issue. No stressing over discolorations and cleaning the carpet.

# 2– The Retiree: Come home to the garage you deserve
You’ve built that house of your dreams. You’ve made sure you can invest your golden years here without any more changes. The only space that you forgot about throughout construction was the garage. Now you have a long-lasting, gorgeous decorative epoxy flooring.

# 3– The Car Enthusiast: Create your very own display room
A car show is a chance to flaunt your unique vehicle. Complete strangers from anywhere and everywhere get to have a look at your dream machine.

The car show does not end when you pull that four-wheeled beauty into your garage. Nope, it’s merely coming home to rest in its permanent showroom. Your garage isn’t only a box with two garage doors. It’s a total display room.

# 4– The Home Handyman: Work in a much safer environment
You do not call a plumber. You can repair this yourself. A fast trip to the garage for the right tools and you can fix this in no time at all.

After the recent accident from spilled wood varnish on your garage’s concrete flooring, you put an end to that issue with a long-term, expert decorative epoxy flooring. Never again will you fall in that spill when trying to get rid of the BIG, BROWN varnish stain on your garage flooring.

Now, you head out and sand, stain, sand, clear coat and appreciate your handiwork.

# 5– The Hobbyist: Create the unique area for your favorite hobby
You do not want to share your model building table with the laundry anymore. Your plane took a great deal of time to construct, and you do not want to see one more clothes hamper sitting next to your newest creation.

You finally found the best use for that 3rd garage bay. The same bay which used to be a place to stash things, but is now your nirvana.

# 6– The Real Estate Agent: Close that sale in record time
The expression on the couple’s face as they saw wall-to-wall decorative epoxy flooring with finished steps leading into the mudroom says everything. You sold this house on day 1 and the very first time you showed it.

# 7– The Super Organized: Put the finishing touch to your garage
The cabinets took 2 hours to put together and one more to install on the back wall. The slat wall took up a Saturday afternoon and 2 more hours to put the hooks in the right places. That ceiling kayak lift was a little more difficult. But, you got it after a couple of tries.

The photo of perfection? You bet. Absolutely nothing (besides the cars and truck) rests on your shiny, just cleaned, decorative epoxy flooring.

Oops! We forgot a couple.

So honestly there are a lot more than seven groups of individuals who like decorative epoxy flooring in their garage. Just off the top of my head:

The workshop owner; house seller; home contractor; house mechanic; the new automobile owner; and vehicle restorer

The truth is that the best decorative epoxy flooring will transform your garage from an awful catch-all to the gem that makes your home a home. There is a reason many house owners have relied on Amazing Garage Floors to change their dull concrete flooring to something AMAZING. Do you want to be among those property owners?